
This article was about food prices and how many basic foods are hitting record high prices across the world. Experts say this is no where near a crisis but could become worse and worse. Others also say that this will be no where near the record high in the future as food prices continue to rise in developing and developed countries. The rise in food prices will affect poorer countries because people won't be able to afford food. The impact will also be felt in developed countries because fast food restaurants and grocery stores start charging more which causes inflation. Rising food prices become the normal over the next few years. The article also discusses the importance of wheat and rice and although wheat is higher priced than it was in the 2007-08 food crisis, rice has been relatively stable, experts say this is important because it is one of the most common foods around the world.
This is a shocking article to me, I was surprised to hear that food prices are rising, I think in the long run food prices will continue to rise and eventually cause starvation around the world.
Food prices around the world have not risen too much from the food crisis in 2007-08 which affected countries like Haiti yet they are still at record highs. I think if food prices continue to rise than it will affect everybody because everyone needs to pay their bills and feed their family.
I think that good prices rising may affect some poor areas of the world, it will not affect everyone though as the farmers growing the produce will always have a steady food supply. The world overall will be affected by this rise in price but the government will work to try to help out the poorer areas of the world to prevent a global food crisis.