This article was about the youngest victim in the Arizona shootings, her name was Christina Green. She was nine years old and a fantastic girl. She had just been voted on to student council at her elementary and she is an outstanding baseball player for her age. Her neighbour had just noticed that she was taking a strong interest in politics so she decided to invite her to come along with her to go to meet congresswomen Gabrielle Giffords. She was a bright young girl and it is very sad that she was killed. Her and 5 others were killed in the shooting. The primary target being Gabrielle Giffords. The shooter is said to have not liked Gabrielle Giffords ever since she didn't give him a straight answer at an event in 2007. Christina Green's memorial will be held on January 13th. She was born on 9/11 2001.

I think the entire story is absolutely tragic. I think it is especially sad that someone who is only nine years old died because of a man who wanted to shoot someone else. This is also a crazy story because of her birth date. She was born on 9/11 2001 which is surprising because that was a day that changed the worlds view on protection and this event again changes protection and how easily someone can shoot people. Christina sounded like someone who was going to do great things in her life and it's a tragedy that she had to die.